Quickhits - Pentagon edition
In the coverage of the signing of the $94.5 "emergency" spending bill to keep the costs of Iraq out of the regular budget, I noticed this, "Congress is also advancing separate legislation adding an additional $50 billion in war funds to keep combat operations running from October through March or so."
The costs of the Iraq war are taking a domestic bite on the military. Fort Sam Houston is receiving termination notices on their utility bills, and has already had to cancel cell phones, lease cars, and cut contractors. I guess training medics isn't all that important.
In the meantime, the Pentagon found the time to issue a 74 page list of talking points for the House and Senate debates titled "Iraq floor debate prep book,"that is "an exhaustive rebuttal of criticisms of the war and a defense of the administration's conduct of the war." If they fought the war as hard as they fought their critics, we'd be out of Iraq by now.
The costs of the Iraq war are taking a domestic bite on the military. Fort Sam Houston is receiving termination notices on their utility bills, and has already had to cancel cell phones, lease cars, and cut contractors. I guess training medics isn't all that important.
In the meantime, the Pentagon found the time to issue a 74 page list of talking points for the House and Senate debates titled "Iraq floor debate prep book,"that is "an exhaustive rebuttal of criticisms of the war and a defense of the administration's conduct of the war." If they fought the war as hard as they fought their critics, we'd be out of Iraq by now.
That is really interesting about Fort SH. My friend is in the Marines and at Camp Lejeune he is enjoying cold showers to save budget money...
Bravo 2-1, at 1:41 PM
The article said that it's "symptomatic" of what's going on across the country. It really makes me wonder what accounting tricks are being played.
How many Iraq costs are being hidden?
Nobody's talking about the massive repair/replacement bill we're looking at after this war.
mikevotes, at 1:59 PM
If they used the same dirty tricks, lies, and assults against their military enemy as they do their political enemies, this war could have lasted as long as the first war with Iraq - three days.
I hope that when the next President has to spend Billions rebuilding our military, that his philosophy is not to cut taxes at the same time.
Unknown, at 2:22 PM
"Deficits don't matter." - Dick Cheney
mikevotes, at 2:32 PM
Mike, great point. Lots of outstanding bills.
Bravo 2-1, at 4:49 PM
And, big, long term bills that won't show up on "W"'s deficits.
mikevotes, at 6:23 PM
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