Peter King is pissed!!!!
"It's a knife in the back to New York and I'm going to do everything I can to make them very sorry they made this decision."
King said he would launch "rigorous investigations" of the Homeland Security Department - including a $21 million DHS contract with a Virginia limousine service accused of arranging hotel trysts between lawmakers and prostitutes.
"They have cut $80 million in funding to New York City," King said. "Meanwhile, they gave a $21 million limousine contract to the company that was driving pimps and prostitutes around."
The "pimps and prostitutes" reference is because Shirlington Limo was the firm that allegedly ferried prostitutes across state lines for Brent Wilkes' poker parties and was granted a DHS contract despite the owner's criminal background.
I would bet this will go away, but it's fun to chuckle about the possibility of real oversight, even if it is just done out of spite. (I saw him on Hardball yesterday, and he's got the hearings on the schedule.)
The surest way to induce outrage in a Washington Rebublican is to reach for his money.
-epm, at 8:39 PM
Especially a Republican running in this midterm in New York.
mikevotes, at 9:04 PM
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