He knows when you've been bad or good,
So be good for goodness sake!
They want a record that you came by here. When the hearings and investigations come, they can say "What were you doing visiting the websites of known XXXXXXX's and XXXXXXX sympathizers?" (XXXXXXXX to be filled in later with whatever public villian is useful at the time. Communist /Terrorist /Subversive/ Pedophile/ Ecoterrorist/ Narcoterrorist/ etc.)
And the ability to access data on every email sent?
Leaving aside obviously illegal acts like child porn, what if you did a search for VD or unwanted pregnancy, or just two examples from my own image searches that yielded results I wasn't expecting, "gay cowboy" and "Bush black?"
Have you ever accidentally clicked on a link and ended up at Stormfront, or a crazy religious organization, or a UFO site, or any site that might be deemed outside the mainstream? Do you know for a fact that websites you visit don't have child porn or bombmaking information somewhere deep inside? What if I linked to AlQaeda.com for instance under a blind link. Did you click on that?
Well, Al Gonzales and the FBI want the ability to know about it. This is the kind of thing J Edgar Hoover dreamed about as he fell asleep curled up in his flannel nightie.
We're all in Ellsberg's psychiatrist's office now.
(Okay, I know that this article doesn't outright say that websites visited will be tracked, but as it doesn't include chat room logs or even attendance, key to child sex prosecutions, I'm guessing that this isn't the full outline of the request. There has been previous reporting that websites visited might be included in the eventual agreement. And as there is no supporting law at this point, it's really up to the ISP's.)
June 1 (Bloomberg) -- The U.S. is asking Internet companies including Microsoft Corp., Google Inc. and AOL to preserve records of customers' Web activity to aid terrorism and child pornography investigations....
The agency(DOJ/FBI) has asked Internet companies to retain records such as lists of e-mails sent and received or information on Web searches. Authorities wouldn't ask the companies to keep the content of e-mails and would use standard legal channels, such as seeking a subpoena, before obtaining information, Roehrkasse said.
The Justice Department has no legal authority to require companies to keep data on their customers and would need to ask Congress for that ability, Roehrkasse said. He said there has been no decision on how long companies would need to store the records.
They want a record that you came by here. When the hearings and investigations come, they can say "What were you doing visiting the websites of known XXXXXXX's and XXXXXXX sympathizers?" (XXXXXXXX to be filled in later with whatever public villian is useful at the time. Communist /Terrorist /Subversive/ Pedophile/ Ecoterrorist/ Narcoterrorist/ etc.)
And the ability to access data on every email sent?
Leaving aside obviously illegal acts like child porn, what if you did a search for VD or unwanted pregnancy, or just two examples from my own image searches that yielded results I wasn't expecting, "gay cowboy" and "Bush black?"
Have you ever accidentally clicked on a link and ended up at Stormfront, or a crazy religious organization, or a UFO site, or any site that might be deemed outside the mainstream? Do you know for a fact that websites you visit don't have child porn or bombmaking information somewhere deep inside? What if I linked to AlQaeda.com for instance under a blind link. Did you click on that?
Well, Al Gonzales and the FBI want the ability to know about it. This is the kind of thing J Edgar Hoover dreamed about as he fell asleep curled up in his flannel nightie.
We're all in Ellsberg's psychiatrist's office now.
(Okay, I know that this article doesn't outright say that websites visited will be tracked, but as it doesn't include chat room logs or even attendance, key to child sex prosecutions, I'm guessing that this isn't the full outline of the request. There has been previous reporting that websites visited might be included in the eventual agreement. And as there is no supporting law at this point, it's really up to the ISP's.)
Perhaps they want to squelch whistleblowers.
Anonymous, at 3:25 PM
I think they want to squelch everyone.
mikevotes, at 3:28 PM
The first thing I would want to know is just who is going to pay for this information gathering?
It isn't just about clicking buttons, but putting complex protocols into an already complex set of back end codes.
Most of those corps are more concerned with stable service deliveries than providing side services.
I know for a fact that one corp mentioned is constantly purging overt porn crap from their system.
Regardless of the fact they don't want to be seen promoting the garbage, it is not a proactive program.
Agents engaged in other areas are simply reacting to complaints from users.
They see minimise porn as being in there best interests, but won't really pay the cost of doing it fully, why would they want to get caught up with the cost of providing all this information the government seem to want?
Cartledge, at 4:18 PM
I'm assuming because the gov't has two big sticks. The first is the one that they informally waved at Qwest during the NSA phone database efforts, that a non-supporting company would be denied government contracts.
The second would be the potential public pressure, "we could have convicted this serial child molester if only ISP xxx had cooperated."
And the cost will be borne by the customers, those whose privacy is being invaded.
mikevotes, at 4:32 PM
Jewish singles?
Justin, at 4:44 PM
How about "Target, gun, New York" searching for a Target in New York that sells guns?
I just made the "maybe" file.
mikevotes, at 5:05 PM
child porn investigations is such a shallow attempt to disguise intrusions on privacy. These pricks need to go.
Yukkione, at 6:35 PM
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