I figured it out
I finally figured out why I haven't felt all that "bloggy" the last couple of days; I'm still recovering from the Rove news. I recognize that "not anticipating indictment" may well mean greater trouble for the White House, but the way this news rang in my head resonated with a broader sense of helplessness stemming from events in the last 6 months or so.
We're still in Iraq and it's gotten substantially worse with still no real explanation as to why the war was launched. They're still tapping phones without warrant. They're still collecting call data, running secret CIA prisons, and, through a signing statement, still torturing non-military prisoners. Guantanamo is still dispensing its lack of extrajudicial justice, and none of these policies have changed, or seem likely to change.
Somehow, the Rove indictment triggered this cascade of despair in me that things aren't changing. So, sorry if I've been a little off my game.
(Oh, and as a personal interest, we still don't know why Porter Goss was fired or had any investigation of who authored the Niger forgeries.)
CRAP. And now, today, we've got news that TIA(Total Information Awareness,) the massive database of everything, lives on, only without the oversight.
If anybody needs me, I'll be in the bunker.
We're still in Iraq and it's gotten substantially worse with still no real explanation as to why the war was launched. They're still tapping phones without warrant. They're still collecting call data, running secret CIA prisons, and, through a signing statement, still torturing non-military prisoners. Guantanamo is still dispensing its lack of extrajudicial justice, and none of these policies have changed, or seem likely to change.
Somehow, the Rove indictment triggered this cascade of despair in me that things aren't changing. So, sorry if I've been a little off my game.
(Oh, and as a personal interest, we still don't know why Porter Goss was fired or had any investigation of who authored the Niger forgeries.)
CRAP. And now, today, we've got news that TIA(Total Information Awareness,) the massive database of everything, lives on, only without the oversight.
If anybody needs me, I'll be in the bunker.
I don't know why it melted me so. I really think it's because it played into this sense that these guys can literally break the law and suffer no consequences.
Again, torture, wiretapping, guantanamo, launching the war......
Thanks for the commiseration, though.
mikevotes, at 2:30 PM
It's truly unbelievable.
It seems if you bombard the American people with a series of unconstitutional trespasses and failures, cumulatively they have less effect than one, say, stained dress.
We're getting used to it.
Nonplussed2, at 2:46 PM
The weirdest thing to me is the arc of the press coverage and legislative action.
Big revelation. Statements of shock and horror. Hearings, investigations, etc, scheduled, then delayed, then obstructed, and by that time the media has moved on to something else. And the Republicans quietly file the outrage in that government warehouse at the end of Raiders of the Lost Ark.
mikevotes, at 2:51 PM
I thought it was just me who had lost the relish for blogging. The Rove skate, coupled with this stupid House debate on Iraq and the vote on the non-binding resolution tying the Iraq war to the war on terror, has sickened me. When will the members of the media call the GOP on their bullshit and say, "What the fuck does this non-binding resolution have to do with anything based in reality? What will this do to solve the problems in Iraq? What is this other than a p.r. move?"
Ugh. I've had it too. I considered shutting the blog down this week or maybe just taking a vacation from it. I still haven't decided either way. It's not just the Rove thing, or the Iraq war, or the domestic spying, or the lack of progress on the global warming front, or the shitty economy...it's all of it...plus the idiots working for CNN, MSNBC, ABC, the Times, the Post, etc. who willfully or unconsciously play their own parts in destroying the country by reporting everything with a Rovian gloss to it.
Reality-Based Educator, at 3:07 PM
I know you did a ton of Rove blogging like myself, and that just hyped the effect.
But I'm taking the attitude, just hang around, the passion will return. They'll do something that will get your dander back up.
It won't take long.
mikevotes, at 5:32 PM
I'm feeling the same way. My political blogging has been way sub-par for the last couple of days. Actually declared an "politics free" day on Blognonymous on Wednesday. Just not into it at the moment.
Anonymous, at 7:09 PM
I'm so glad to know I'm not alone, folks. I felt like I wasn't holding up my end of the deal.
mikevotes, at 8:52 PM
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