Who is this 30%?
Whenever there's a Bush poll published, not matter what the issue, there seems to be a hard 30% floor on the numbers. No matter what the question is 30% seem to approve of what Bush is doing.
After reading the latest polls on Iraq (30% approve Bush's policy in Iraq,) I got to wondering about this third of the polling base. I mean, how deep in the cult do you have to be to think that Iraq is going well?
But I think I've come to something here. It's not that they're crazy, it's that they're ignorant, perhaps willfully, of the facts. In example, I offer this late Feb 2006 Angus Reid poll which shows 30% of Americans still believe that Saddam Hussein was "personally involved" in the 9/11 attacks.
There's that 30% again. They believe George Bush no matter what he says. I don't know if that 30% will ever come to Jesus and realize that Bush has been lying to them.
You know, my own mother dropped the Saddam Hussein was behind 9/11 line around Christmas, and that's despite listening to me and my father talk(argue) politics for literally a hundred hours since Bush came into office.
It's hard to write off your own mother, but apparently she's one of that 30%. If, or when, my mother shifts, the Bush presidency is over.
After reading the latest polls on Iraq (30% approve Bush's policy in Iraq,) I got to wondering about this third of the polling base. I mean, how deep in the cult do you have to be to think that Iraq is going well?
But I think I've come to something here. It's not that they're crazy, it's that they're ignorant, perhaps willfully, of the facts. In example, I offer this late Feb 2006 Angus Reid poll which shows 30% of Americans still believe that Saddam Hussein was "personally involved" in the 9/11 attacks.
There's that 30% again. They believe George Bush no matter what he says. I don't know if that 30% will ever come to Jesus and realize that Bush has been lying to them.
You know, my own mother dropped the Saddam Hussein was behind 9/11 line around Christmas, and that's despite listening to me and my father talk(argue) politics for literally a hundred hours since Bush came into office.
It's hard to write off your own mother, but apparently she's one of that 30%. If, or when, my mother shifts, the Bush presidency is over.
That 30% is strolling with Charles Bronson at night through Central Park -- each with a pistol stashed in the pocket of his long overcoat.
Shimmy, at 8:40 AM
Why didn't they believe George Bush when he said that there was no evidence that Saddam Hussein was involved whith 9/11?
Oh yeah, willfull ignorance, you already said that.
Justin, at 9:25 AM
For 20% of the people, belief trumps truth. 8% are psychotic and deserve our sympathy... and a publically funded national health plan. And 2% are just messin' with the poll taker's head.
-epm, at 10:25 AM
Matt, Leo got after me once too but I don't remember why.
And, Justin, Mom probably didn't even hear Bush when he said that. The Pre war spin was loud, and the correction, like most, was mumbled and on page a13.
And, generally, I think that 30% is the same group who believes that Hollywood is trying to program their children to become gay and that the "liberal media" is part of a conspiracy to corrupt the country. Just how do you get the message to those people when they don't believe the press?
(Mom is not one of those, but she doesn't watch any news besides local 10PM.)
mikevotes, at 12:29 PM
It must be a great feeling of power to know that all you need to do is convert your mom!
For some reason, this reminds me of my sister being told when she was very young that "her father was the tooth fairy," and she just busted out laughing at the idea that her dad was running all over the world replacing everyone's teeth!
Sometimes a blog post stirs up an unusual train of thought, huh?
seenos, at 1:02 PM
with money, that is!
seenos, at 1:03 PM
That is a weird connection.
But, I'm probably not going to "convert her" because she believes the president more than her own son.
Our relationship is good, the only reason she doubts me is because I don't believe in God, whereas the president claims to. And somehow to her, that belief grants him a credibility that facts just don't have.
Sad really.
mikevotes, at 1:40 PM
What is a more stunning poll is that 85% of the military stationed in Iraq believe the same thing!
liberal_dem, at 8:21 PM
Yeah, the military number is high, but you would think that people who join the military are far more likely to both a)have more faith in authority, and b) be more patriotic. I am surprised by 85% but I'm not surprised that numbers higher then the general population.
mikevotes, at 8:59 PM
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