Picture of the Day - My Local Megachurch

Some of you may not be acquainted with the reality of the MegaChurch. These pictures are from the biggest of them all, Lakewood Church in Houston. It's about a mile from my house.
Interestingly, over the past six months, the name of the church has been removed from it's prominent place on the front of the big square building to be replaced by a logoized version of the pastor's name, Joel Osteen. You may already know that name as he has been pounding out money making "products" over the last two years, books, DVD's, etc.
The reason for the odd configuration in the second picture is that this used to be The Summit, the building where the Houston Rockets used to play. It was bought by the Lakewood folks, somewhat refurbished, and holds over 16,000 people in the configuration they used to use for rock concerts.
I just thought that these pictures might give some flesh to what's really going on down here in the bible belt.

(This is a repost from Christmas Eve. I figured alot of people might not have seen it over the holidays.)
Damn. I've read about this place, but to see it in pictures... That first one makes it look like a political convention. Coincidence?
Anonymous, at 8:57 AM
Wow! That's quite big. The 21st Century equivalent of the huge cathedrals of medieval Europe? Albeit without the impressive architecture.
Happy Holidays BTW. Thanks for visiting my blog.
Disillusioned kid, at 11:43 AM
It's just Crazy, isn't it? I'm sure that's just what Jesus was hoping for.
mikevotes, at 1:30 PM
A somewhat less spiritual experience than a Rockets game? Merry Christmas.
JUSIPER, at 5:49 PM
Wow, you actually dared go inside one of those places - i think i'd be too scared. Glad we've got moles. :)
Anonymous, at 6:06 PM
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