Pakistanis lobbied themselves out of the 9-11 report?
I know nothing of the Indian press. I do not know if this is reliable or not. But to me, this is a bombshell.
There's more in the article. The key question is, who did they lobby? And, what firm did the work?
New Delhi, March 12: The Pakistan foreign office had paid tens of thousands of dollars to lobbyists in the US to get anti-Pakistan references dropped from the 9/11 inquiry commission report, The Friday Times has claimed.....
The report quoted an officer as saying that dramatic changes were made in the final draft of the inquiry commission after the lobbyists got to work.
There's more in the article. The key question is, who did they lobby? And, what firm did the work?
Yukkione, at 10:50 AM
The Indian press is like most others, some sound others off the planet. The Calcutta Telegraph seems to be sound. The story is even written in modern English rather than the overblown Rajspeak of many.
As to the story, it just seems grist for the mill. Although since Bush's recent visit I'm sure the going price will have increased a bit. Unfortunately for him, Abramoff won't be scoring from the increase.
Cartledge, at 11:49 AM
Thanks, Cartledge, for the reliability guage.
Not only was I questioning the report itself, but also the presentation. If, for instance, they were hawks towards Pakistan, that could seriously color their reporting on something like this as it makes the Pakistanis look awful and guilty.
mikevotes, at 12:48 PM
I agree on the face of it. We need to consider the inherent corruption throughout India as well, and the way it effects statements. There is some reasonable and fair media over there. My yardstick is usually the number of bloody popups and Bollywood ads.
All the same, the best weapon is still the truth, and given India's dalliance with George W there is no 'official' value in attacking Pakinstan and risk friendly fire on the US. Not just now anyway. I tend to accept the story has some basis in truth.
Cartledge, at 2:32 PM
There were definitely Pakistani links to 9/11, as well as to alQaeda (their army was training fighters in Afghanistan) so nothing surprises me.
Lew Scannon, at 5:41 PM
Yeah, Lew, there's the payment made from ISI to the hijackers.
mikevotes, at 6:43 PM
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