A last gasp from those who want to save the presidency
I'm guessing by the fact that this is being made public, that thus far the Bush admin has been rejecting this idea.
Remember when the Bush administration was first seating their administration how there was so much talk that the "grownups" were back in government? Remember, suits and ties back in the White House and all that?
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- A move is afoot among some friends and confidantes of President Bush to persuade him to bring in at least one seasoned Republican veteran to help his struggling staff, CNN has learned. ....some veteran Republicans have been quietly trying to convince White House chief of staff Andy Card to bring in at least one "adult,"...
Remember when the Bush administration was first seating their administration how there was so much talk that the "grownups" were back in government? Remember, suits and ties back in the White House and all that?
This staff change has been tossed around for a year now. It is desperately needed. I am a Democrat and can't stand this White House, but they are broken and need fixing... even if it helps the GOP.
Bravo 2-1, at 2:38 PM
About the "grown-up" thing. I can't tell you how many people STILL think Bush/Cheney are grown up compared to Clinton, Gore, et al.
My step-mother truly believes GW and Shoot 'Em In The Face Dick are responsible, godly adults who have brought honor and respectability back to the White House while Clinton and Gore are little children who brought dishonor down upon America. I think about half her kids feel this way too as do her sisters and brothers (it's a big Irish Catholic family.)
And they ALL vote.
Reality-Based Educator, at 3:10 PM
They just had a segment on CNN on this and it quickly morphed into, "if Iraq is the policy should they fire Rumsfeld?"
Yes, of course, and no, they won't.
They also were talking about, "just how much power would anyone coming in have vs. Rove and Cheney?" "and who would take that job?"
I do agree with their main point that it's the policy that's broken, and whether you change personnel or not, it's the policy that needs fixing.
Copy editor, I agree. My main concern is not bush bashing just cause I hate them. I sincerely believe they are doing deep and longlasting to our country. My main hope at this point is to mitigate that damage however or whoever does it.
And Reality Based, I have the same situation with my parents. Sometime around 9-11 they drank the koolaid. Prior to that they were moderate Republicans but since 9-11 they've started getting really involved in their church and have substantially changed. I don't try to change their minds anymore; I think any effort would just cause them to dig in. So, I listen and I wait hoping they lose their self induced brainwashing.
And when they do, I won't say I told you so, I will say welcome.
(We all have our fantasies, right?)
mikevotes, at 3:43 PM
Maybe the don't just need an adult. How about a grandpa and octagenarian (sp?). I nominate Brent Scowcroft!
Anonymous, at 7:34 PM
Actually, I was running through possibilities in my head, and Scowcroft would be my choice. A full on realist. I have disagreed with him in the past on some things, but I consider him to be rational and conduct coherent policy.
But the thing is, these Republicans aren't looking for somebody to actually fix Iraq, for instance, they seem to be more concerned with saving the president.
I would expect to see a political figure come in. Not somebody who could actuallly help the country.
Says alot about the priorities.
mikevotes, at 9:02 PM
But the thing is, these Republicans aren't looking for somebody to actually fix Iraq, for instance, they seem to be more concerned with saving the president.
I fear you're right. The "real" solutions are too radical for the neo-cons.
Anonymous, at 2:40 PM
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