Somewhere else I can't shop.
Long story, but I needed to buy a new battery for my burglar alarm and somebody recommended Interstate Batteries. So, being the guy I am, I googled them up to try to find a store or retailer near me, and the first thing I came across was this AFA page (American Family Association) praising Interstate Batteries for funding Carenet who "has been promoting, equipping, and developing pregnancy centers for over twenty years."
It gets worse. On the front page, second item, there's a picture of Dr. Lillie Epps, Care Net's Director of Urban Center Development with the quote, "As we celebrate Black History Month, we mourn the loss of more than 14 million African-American young people who are not with us today because of the tragedy of abortion..." I think you see where this is going.
Okay, now, normally, I'm not big on these boycotts over political funding, but this one crosses the line. I'm completely alright with some executive or company owner using his private income to donate wherever he wants, but this case is very different.
The promotion praised by the AFA involved the channelling of corporate money to Carenet. "Fifty percent of the proceeds from the campaign's battery sales (AAA, AA, 9-volt, hearing aid batteries, etc.) will go to support the work of Care Net pregnancy centers. " And that is totally not cool.
And just to top it off, buried on the Interstate Batteries site, the owner/founder actually has a testimonial. On the corporate site.
I think you get my point. Business and Religion shouldn't mix. But, I gotta say, if I worked there, I would probably have some grounds for a lawsuit. This workplace would definitely be hostile to me.
It gets worse. On the front page, second item, there's a picture of Dr. Lillie Epps, Care Net's Director of Urban Center Development with the quote, "As we celebrate Black History Month, we mourn the loss of more than 14 million African-American young people who are not with us today because of the tragedy of abortion..." I think you see where this is going.
Okay, now, normally, I'm not big on these boycotts over political funding, but this one crosses the line. I'm completely alright with some executive or company owner using his private income to donate wherever he wants, but this case is very different.
The promotion praised by the AFA involved the channelling of corporate money to Carenet. "Fifty percent of the proceeds from the campaign's battery sales (AAA, AA, 9-volt, hearing aid batteries, etc.) will go to support the work of Care Net pregnancy centers. " And that is totally not cool.
And just to top it off, buried on the Interstate Batteries site, the owner/founder actually has a testimonial. On the corporate site.
I knew that was true for me! But the good news is that "the Truth shall make you free," and Jesus Christ is the Truth! So I accepted Him just as the Bible teaches: as my Lord and Savior, as God's own begotten Son who died as payment for MY sins. In Him is the forgiveness of sins and the power of self-control in being freed from the bondage of sin. Jesus is the gift of freedom, the power for living, and He gives eternal life!
You can accept Him right now, just like I did, by repeating this prayer and making it the commitment of your heart. Just pray...
I think you get my point. Business and Religion shouldn't mix. But, I gotta say, if I worked there, I would probably have some grounds for a lawsuit. This workplace would definitely be hostile to me.
Religion is a business!
Lew Scannon, at 6:00 PM
True statement. And it's an especially wonderful business in that the main product is delivered after the customer is dead and can no longer sue.
mikevotes, at 8:34 PM
One of Bill Maher's new rules last night was something like, if churchs don't pay taxes they shouldn't get to use the fire department when a church is set on fire. They should have to pray for rain.
I don't know, it was funny when he said it.
Graeme, at 2:11 AM
Comedy's hard. That's why I so envy those who can write funny. It's so tough to pull the joke along without inflection.
mikevotes, at 9:44 PM
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