Taste the Relativism. Mmmmmm....
I found this Telegraph piece off of Drudge who phrased it breathlessly, "Says country must prepare for return of Islamic 'messiah.'"
Anybody else get the cultural bigotry. (BBC)
I didn't want to play "hunt the Bush quote" this morning, but I think you get the idea.
Believing in a Christian God, good, noble, a necessary part of an upstanding man. Believing in an Islamic God, just plain crazy. Thinking God talks to you, okay, acceptable. Thinking that you are doing the work of Allah marks you as a madman. Believing in a second coming of Jesus makes you a faithful Christian and a hero to millions; Believing the same of Allah, makes you the biggest threat in the world today.
Our God good, your god bad. We bomb you now.
But listen carefully to the utterances of Mr Ahmadinejad - recently described by President George W Bush as an "odd man" - and there is another dimension, a religious messianism that, some suspect, is giving the Iranian leader a dangerous sense of divine mission. ......
The most remarkable aspect of Mr Ahmadinejad's piety is his devotion to the Hidden Imam, the Messiah-like figure of Shia Islam, and the president's belief that his government must prepare the country for his return.
Anybody else get the cultural bigotry. (BBC)
President George W Bush told Palestinian ministers that God had told him to invade Afghanistan and Iraq - and create a Palestinian State, a new BBC series reveals.
I didn't want to play "hunt the Bush quote" this morning, but I think you get the idea.
Believing in a Christian God, good, noble, a necessary part of an upstanding man. Believing in an Islamic God, just plain crazy. Thinking God talks to you, okay, acceptable. Thinking that you are doing the work of Allah marks you as a madman. Believing in a second coming of Jesus makes you a faithful Christian and a hero to millions; Believing the same of Allah, makes you the biggest threat in the world today.
Our God good, your god bad. We bomb you now.
So true. I told somebody this the otherday in a conversation, and they just didn't get it.
Yukkione, at 10:31 AM
lets get this straight. bush thinks god tells him what to do. bin laden thinks god tells him what to do.
maybe this is as strong a case as you could make for atheism
michael the tubthumper, at 10:54 AM
I bet Bush has never heard of Jonathan Swift, much less read the story in Gulliver's Travels about the war between those who break their breakfast eggs at the small end and those who break them at the large end.
This difference in societal behavior, naturally, lead to a terrible war.
I think the story is as fresh today as it was in 1726.
NEWSGUY, at 1:06 PM
Oh, and one other thing. In Los Angeles we have some poor souls wandering the streets downtown talking to God. And hearing voices from God.
The frightening thing is we now have a president who exhibits the same behavior. And he has control of nuclear weapons.
NEWSGUY, at 1:09 PM
It is scary that the leader of our nation may believe in the whole end-time second-coming scenario. Could Armageddon become a self-fulfilling prophecy?
gary, at 11:26 AM
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