5 to 10 minutes of consultation is enough for Bush
You gotta read this on the consultative meeting the Bush administration held today with former secretaries of state and defense. It's being presented as an effort of outreach, to accept sage consultation from the greybeards. Here's the NYTimes version of the meeting.
After an "upbeat 40-minute briefing to 13 living former secretaries of state and defense about how well things are going in Iraq," ........ "Mr. Bush allowed 5 to 10 minutes this morning for interchange with the group......" "Those who wanted to impart more wisdom to the current occupants of the White House were sent back across the hall to meet again with Stephen J. Hadley."
Iraq is burning, and they won't listen to the people who might know how to put it out. And, why does Colin Powell keep going back for more?
After an "upbeat 40-minute briefing to 13 living former secretaries of state and defense about how well things are going in Iraq," ........ "Mr. Bush allowed 5 to 10 minutes this morning for interchange with the group......" "Those who wanted to impart more wisdom to the current occupants of the White House were sent back across the hall to meet again with Stephen J. Hadley."
Iraq is burning, and they won't listen to the people who might know how to put it out. And, why does Colin Powell keep going back for more?
Powell really bothers me. I think he knows better, and for the life of me I can't figure out why he won't speak up against Bush. How long can he just keep being a "good soldier."
Graeme, at 11:34 PM
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