Risen is making some incredible claims
Thought I'd put together a couple of the incredible claims that James Risen is making in his new book "State of War" and in promoting that book.
How long until he starts getting slimed by the Bush admin?
- The CIA, using a double-agent Russian scientist, may have handed a blueprint for a nuclear bomb to Iran, according to a new book which has ruffled the US national security establishment. (non working plans but easily fixed - under Clinton in early 2000)
- In the same chapter, Risen also claimed that a CIA officer once mistakenly sent a message to an agent, who turned out to be a turncoat, in Iran exposing the US spy network in the country. (Iran)
- On the Today show: 12 or more officials blew the whistle on NSA program. Risen describes these people as patriots who believed that the spying program was illegal. "They were motivated by the purest reasons."
- Risen reports that Bush may have suggested that pain medication be withheld from detainees. There is some evidence that this may have been the beginnings of a slippery slope which led to torture and the mistreatment of detainees.
- And then there's the claim about the CIA ignoring evidence from 30 Iraqis they sent in as spies which showed no evidence of WMD.
How long until he starts getting slimed by the Bush admin?
Forget sliming him. If indeed his phone has been being wiretapped as some journos are claiming, they're going to try to throw him in prison...
Anonymous, at 11:51 AM
12 or more officials blew the whistle on NSA program. Risen describes these people as patriots...'
Patriots indeed. Except that the Bush Administration loves to use the 'patriotic' tactic exclusively for its moves, its actions.
We recall how, in early 2003, this administration along with right-wing radio and FoxNews, was chastising any who questioned Bush's war on Iraq as unpatriotic.
When I was blogging on C-Span's [now defunct] message board, I was called a traitor many times by those oh-so righteous right wingers. Freedom Fries. Ugliness all around.
During that troubling time I found solace in Emerson: "When a whole nation is roaring Patriotism at the top of its voice, I am fain to explore the cleanness of its hands and purity of its heart."
liberal_dem, at 1:56 PM
How long until he starts getting slimed by the Bush admin?
I'd say give it about ten minutes and he is so being added to the no-fly list.
Anonymous, at 2:41 PM
lib dem, I see several types of leakers, political leakers ala plame, cya leakers who leak late to spin the story, and these "patriot" leakers.
The patriot leakers do it mostly because they are whistleblowers, but very often there are other elements involved too, like interoffice/agency politics, whther they like their boss, got the promotion, etc.
But, this doesn't negate that they're doing a service in exposing illegal activities, and usually, if it's a group, it's more benign than if it's just one guy.
And, yeah, libby and joy (i think) reid, I would bet that risen's file in the whitehouse's file cabinet is growing thicker by the minute.
mikevotes, at 3:00 PM
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