On a slow news day, just a couple of quickies.
WaPo has a story(A04) on the justice dept. appealing the Padilla case to the supreme court in effect arguing that the president has supreme power over the judiciary in time of war.
Bush approval numbers have bumped up about 5 points from an avg. low around 37% to an avg. around 42%. And while you're there, take a look at the 2006 congressional poll numbers. Pretty consistently Dems +9%, although these numbers do not take gerrymandering into account.
Also, I don't know why, I got to thinking what country or group would be the next to use a nuclear weapon? Terrorists? N. Korea? US? Israel? India/Pakistan? Russia? Iran? At the current time, I would put Iran at the end of the list, but they seem to be the only ones under any pressure at all.
For some reason, sometimes on a pretty day I start thinking about the nuclear missiles pointed at my head. Yes, I know, I have trouble being happy sometimes.
WaPo has a story(A04) on the justice dept. appealing the Padilla case to the supreme court in effect arguing that the president has supreme power over the judiciary in time of war.
Bush approval numbers have bumped up about 5 points from an avg. low around 37% to an avg. around 42%. And while you're there, take a look at the 2006 congressional poll numbers. Pretty consistently Dems +9%, although these numbers do not take gerrymandering into account.
Also, I don't know why, I got to thinking what country or group would be the next to use a nuclear weapon? Terrorists? N. Korea? US? Israel? India/Pakistan? Russia? Iran? At the current time, I would put Iran at the end of the list, but they seem to be the only ones under any pressure at all.
For some reason, sometimes on a pretty day I start thinking about the nuclear missiles pointed at my head. Yes, I know, I have trouble being happy sometimes.
Hi Mike
Keep up the good work! Your synopsis and analysis of the day's stories are superb and stand out from the rest of the blogosphere.
Have a happy and healthy New Year to you.
Here's to 2006. Hopefully, the world will be a much better place.
Best regards
Jason Leopold
Jasonleopoldwasright, at 1:28 PM
Speaking of bombs.. I remember when i was a kid in elementary school doing raid drils and covering our head with books , while kneeling out in the hallway.Remember how we were told of the peace dividend would be huge once we won the cold war? How military spending would be cut to a fraction of it's cold war size, and could then be spent addressing the problems of the country and the world. Whatever happened to that? Military spending is an even bigger part of out GDP. They seem to always have another enemy to ramp up against, and an ignorant, and fearful public to sell it to.
Yukkione, at 1:31 PM
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