Far more US casualties in Iraq
Pentagon casualty reports show 2,390 service members dead from Iraq and Afghanistan and over 16,000 wounded. By far the vast majority of the wounded and dead are from Iraq.
Now, certainly, a fair number of those Iraq and Afghanistan vets are seeking treatment for other things, but remember these guys are in the prime of their lives. Also, I don't have the number handy, but you have to figure that that 119,247 comes out of a total pool of 500,000(?) that have rotated through those theaters. I'm not sure of that number, but even if you double it, you're looking at 10%.
(This link is from Salon, so you have to watch the ad, but after that it's free.)
Pretty high %, that's for sure. I wonder if they're counting vets from the 1st Gulf War.
Neil Shakespeare, at 12:04 AM
That's a really good question.
Reading it again, I don't think so. But the five year after numbers from the first gulf war did look kinda like this what with "Gulf War Syndrome."
The army here has painted that as a reaction to some nerve agent, but the better evidence seems to show that it was possibly related to innoculations, intheater chemical use (bug spray or solvents), or a reaction to the depleted uranium.
If it's the latter, we're going to see numbers above the first gulf war.
mikevotes, at 7:34 AM
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