Let's see, 300 Billion in tax cuts, a 250 Billion dollar war with no apparent purpose and the advice is to just keep spending or Al Quaeda will win. When the ship goes down, it will be like it always has been. First class to the life boats, and steerage will wait.
You owe $145,000. And the bill is rising every day. That's how much it would cost every American man, woman and child to pay the tab for the long-term promises the U.S. government has made to creditors, retirees, veterans and the poor. .....
A chorus of economists, government officials and elected leaders both conservative and liberal is warning that America's nonstop borrowing has put the nation on the road to a major fiscal disaster — one that could unleash plummeting home values, rocketing interest rates, lost jobs, stagnating wages and threats to government services ranging from health care to law enforcement.
David Walker, who audits the federal government's books as the U.S. comptroller general, put it starkly in an interview with the AP:
"I believe the country faces a critical crossroad and that the decisions that are made — or not made — within the next 10 years or so will have a profound effect on the future of our country, our children and our grandchildren. The problem gets bigger every day, and the tidal wave gets closer every day."
Bush really needs to work on improving poverty and health care as these issues are growing so large.
Anonymous, at 9:14 PM
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