I think the most interesting question is how Republicans will shift their opposition now that the bill has passed.
How does the "tyranny/Hitler" stuff play in the wake of passage?
My guess is that it the mainstream/national Republicans will become much more muted, part of a larger "big government" argument, with very prominent "dog whistles" to the crazy base. On a second channel, the already crazies, the Bachmann's and Hensarling's will continue to feed the crazy channel at full volume.
They've somewhat painted themselves in with their crazy invective. If they back off too much they'll be portrayed as weak and capitulating, but if they continue too strongly, they may ssem bitter and outside the mainstream.
Are they going to run on taking away insurance? Re-instituting pre-existing conditions? Re-instituting the hugely unpopular drug coverage "doughnut hole?"
Their goal in all of this is 2010, but can they now control the pot they've stirred?
(Curious: Does this help the crazier Republican primary challengers?)
How does the "tyranny/Hitler" stuff play in the wake of passage?
My guess is that it the mainstream/national Republicans will become much more muted, part of a larger "big government" argument, with very prominent "dog whistles" to the crazy base. On a second channel, the already crazies, the Bachmann's and Hensarling's will continue to feed the crazy channel at full volume.
They've somewhat painted themselves in with their crazy invective. If they back off too much they'll be portrayed as weak and capitulating, but if they continue too strongly, they may ssem bitter and outside the mainstream.
Are they going to run on taking away insurance? Re-instituting pre-existing conditions? Re-instituting the hugely unpopular drug coverage "doughnut hole?"
Their goal in all of this is 2010, but can they now control the pot they've stirred?
(Curious: Does this help the crazier Republican primary challengers?)
"Are they going to run on taking away insurance? Re-instituting pre-existing conditions? Re-instituting the hugely unpopular drug coverage "doughnut hole?""
I was thinking the same thing at first. But then I realized these folks don't operate in a fact based, truth base reality. They simply make shit up and call for a revolution. They'll going to run against "socialism", "government takeover", "ObamaCare." Just as they've done all along, they'll run on a platform of fear-inducing, dog-whistling sound bites, not reality.
-epm, at 11:41 AM
Yeah somewhat. And it's going to depend on the district.
mikevotes, at 12:05 PM
But aren't the crazy-spewing polls representing crazy-friendly districts anyway? It's the Bachmann's and King's I'm talking about (the true believers) not the run of the mill GOP players.
-epm, at 12:29 PM
I agree. There's too much to be gained by those in crazy districts continuing the full Hitler.
But that will likely stretch the (slightly) more center repubs.
mikevotes, at 1:19 PM
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