A little Israel
(NYTimes) Some rather horrible "on the ground" accounts emerge from the Israeli attack on Gaza raising questions about rules of engagement. (This will have fallout.)
And, the WaPo writes that the rightest figures in Israel's new government seem "fated to clash with US." (Funny how this headline is never turned around. Something like, "New government likely to spurn Israel's last friend.")
And, the WaPo writes that the rightest figures in Israel's new government seem "fated to clash with US." (Funny how this headline is never turned around. Something like, "New government likely to spurn Israel's last friend.")
So the NYT bravely runs a story that the Israeli press broke, and that only surfaced because actual soldiers came forward with their accounts.
Months of reports from human rights organisations go completely ignored by the media.
Then, when soldiers who availed themselves of internal military reporting go public, the soldiers are cast as liars. And simultaneously, the killing of civilians is defended as justified and necessary.
This is how our media covers Israel.
Todd Dugdale , at 3:15 PM
Yeah, and especially how the NYTimes covers Israel. They are notable.
mikevotes, at 4:07 PM
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