A special kind of stupid...... (Because somebody has to say it.)
We're not there yet, and I would guess most of those Clinton deadenders will end up voting for Obama, but I still feel like somebody needs to say this.
If you claim to support the Clinton positions, casting a petulant vote against Obama and for John McCain would definitely qualify as a special kind of stupid.... an "I don't care if my kids die in the fire because I had an argument with the fireman" kinda stupid.
You're willing to give up Supreme Court Justices, Roe v. Wade, gun issues, campaign finance issues, torture, wars, wiretapping, economic policy, minimum wage, education, tax policy, job exports, environmental policy, healthcare, and everything else because you feel your candidate was slighted?
Get a grip.
If you claim to support the Clinton positions, casting a petulant vote against Obama and for John McCain would definitely qualify as a special kind of stupid.... an "I don't care if my kids die in the fire because I had an argument with the fireman" kinda stupid.
You're willing to give up Supreme Court Justices, Roe v. Wade, gun issues, campaign finance issues, torture, wars, wiretapping, economic policy, minimum wage, education, tax policy, job exports, environmental policy, healthcare, and everything else because you feel your candidate was slighted?
Get a grip.
I'm with you, but I'd take issue with including torture in the laundry list here.
Praguetwin, at 4:03 PM
Well, McCain made the big show of being against it back when the Detainee act was passed, but before it was signed, he gave the administration everything they wanted.
Remember how his requirement was the Army Field Manual? Well, he very publicly endorsed the bill, and that's not the standard.
Also you could argue that one more Scalia/Thomas/Alito on the court, whether McCain intends it or not. torture is fully okayed.
mikevotes, at 4:12 PM
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