On Clinton as Obama's VP
As disciplined as the Obama campaign has been, when a senior adviser talks to the Politico's Roger Simon anonymously about "his personal views and not the official view of the campaign" as to why Hillary Clinton would not make a good VP choice, you really have to assume it's campaign authorized in some form.
And, according to Tumulty,
The general consensus from both campaigns still seems to be that there will not be a Clinton VP.
Later: The Obama camp lets it be known that they're beginning a VP search, implying it's not Clinton.
And, according to Tumulty,
Her husband, for one, seems to have a pretty clear idea what he thinks she should get as a consolation prize. In Bill Clinton's view, she has earned nothing short of an offer to be Obama's running mate, according to some who are close to the former President. Bill "is pushing real hard for this to happen," says a friend.
The general consensus from both campaigns still seems to be that there will not be a Clinton VP.
Later: The Obama camp lets it be known that they're beginning a VP search, implying it's not Clinton.
So far, it seems to me, Obama has been gracious to Hillary far, far beyond her deserving. Mr. High Road. Ironically, could this seemingly kid-glove treatment of Hillary make Barack look timid.... weak?
What if the Obama camp just came out strongly attacking Hillary? What if they aggressively moved to shut down this Poison Patrol known as the Clinton campaign? A real smack down. Would that be any more "destructive" to the Democratic party than what the Hillary camp is doing? This might even impress some general election voters... to see Obama as strong... NOT being coerced and manipulated by the "loser."
I'm just asking, what if....
-epm, at 10:33 AM
Yeah, but he's been gracious with his own agenda involved. He's been gracious because it's in his interests, you know?
If they attack, they risk losing a segment of the Clinton voters, and that's not something they're going to want to do.
mikevotes, at 11:14 AM
"He's been gracious because it's in his interests"
Yeah. I thought of that. But it's a dangerous game of chicken. He's assuming his position is so strong it can withstand the viscous Clinton assault, without Clinton irreparably poisoning the well .
Would an Obama offensive to assert his winning status and to shut down the Clinton camp as poor losers really be that damaging? The conventional wisdom is that it would, but I'm not convinced those bellyaching in May would be inconsolable even in November.
I'm hoping the supers can end this before the end of May.
-epm, at 11:58 AM
Well, he is in that position. Remember that he knows how all those superdelegates feel who have refused to endorse for their own political reasons. The campaign's know.
And, yeah, I think a hard push against Clinton could blow up, however, there are softer procedural steps they can take to marginalize her like the VP search announced today.
That's pushing, but only because they're claiming more space.
mikevotes, at 1:23 PM
Interesting. Especially the realization that the Obama camp has already met with most (all?) of the super delegates and they know which way the wind's blowing... Regardless of the Clinton camp's "last throes" dramatics. It's kind of a "duh" revelation, but I never thought of it!
At the end of the day, Obama doesn't need to be a "tough guy." I guess this is just another example of Obama actually practicing what he preaches. What a concept.
-epm, at 2:12 PM
And, he's establishing his "tough" against McCain right now.
mikevotes, at 3:31 PM
That dawned on me as I was writing my comment. Obama has been going after McCain in a full throated, but measured manner. And McCain, to my ears, is coming off as just a snarky, angry jerk.
Also, I remember several weeks ago Obama said he was using more discretion in his comments and rebuttals to Clinton. "Don't worry." he said, "I won't feel so compelled to restrain myself when I'm dealing with my opponent from the opposite party."
I wonder if Obama can find McCain's sore spots... his temper trip wire? I wonder if we'll see McCain really lose his cool sometime before November?
This has been an interesting comment thread. It really helped me think through things better.
-epm, at 3:43 PM
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-epm, at 3:43 PM
I don't think McCain could be baited publicly, and frankly, he's sitting on his temper as hard as he can right now. More likely than an outburst would be a "wrong feeling" answer in a townhall (you little jerk) or something like that.
mikevotes, at 4:57 PM
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