Waterboarding confirmed
Not that they're trying to hide this on a busy newsday....
This means that the administration, to maintain it's "we don't torture" line, either has to redefine waterboarding as not torture, or defend the President's statements with the semantics of the present tense. (He never said we didn't torture.)
Also, beneath the headline item,
And, look at the lengths McConnell goes to to try and deny his previous statement that waterboarding is torture. Unbelievable.
The CIA used a widely condemned interrogation technique known as waterboarding on three suspects captured after the September 11 attacks, CIA Director Michael Hayden told Congress on Tuesday."
This means that the administration, to maintain it's "we don't torture" line, either has to redefine waterboarding as not torture, or defend the President's statements with the semantics of the present tense. (He never said we didn't torture.)
Also, beneath the headline item,
He told the committee he opposed limiting the CIA to using interrogation techniques permitted in the U.S. Army Field Manual, which bans waterboarding. CIA interrogators are better trained, and it works with a narrower range of suspects in its interrogations, he said.
And, look at the lengths McConnell goes to to try and deny his previous statement that waterboarding is torture. Unbelievable.
I totally missed that item. Thank you for pointing it out!
I unpleasantly look forward to the tortured parsing that will take shape in administration responses.
r8r, at 11:42 PM
Well, I figured everyone else was talking election. This just couldn't be allowed to pass unnoticed.
mikevotes, at 6:14 AM
Has American government become a de facto elected dictatorship? No, seriously. When has congress ever a) prevented Bush from doing whatever he felt like, or b) punished anyone in the administration for any wrongdoing?
-epm, at 9:31 AM
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