A read on Huckabee
Without question, Thompson siphoned off enough evangelical support from Huckabee to make the difference in SC, but here's a far more interesting barometer on where the Huckabee campaign is.
$2 million is not much money at all after the Iowa win in this year's politics. Obama raised almost $1 million online the day after Iowa with no fundraiser or appeal. Clinton raised something like $600,000 the day after NH.
The point is that the Huckabee bandwagon appears to be full. He's going to have to find a way to juice his current crop for all the money and votes that he needs. He will go into the convention with (maybe lots of) delegates, but he's failed to reach that next level beyond "his people."
(After Iowa, Huckabee) "also spent time fundraising, trying to raise $10 million by Feb. 5, more than the campaign totaled in all of 2007. So far, the campaign has raised $2 million."
$2 million is not much money at all after the Iowa win in this year's politics. Obama raised almost $1 million online the day after Iowa with no fundraiser or appeal. Clinton raised something like $600,000 the day after NH.
The point is that the Huckabee bandwagon appears to be full. He's going to have to find a way to juice his current crop for all the money and votes that he needs. He will go into the convention with (maybe lots of) delegates, but he's failed to reach that next level beyond "his people."
Huckabee made in interesting observation. He said, "The story shouldn't be that I've done so well with so little money, but that others have done so poorly with so much money."
To the extent that Huckabee's candidacy is sailing solely on a sea of religious fundamentalists, where campaigning is directed form the pulpit and not the public air waves, does Huckabee really need much money to reach "his people?" I'm presupposing that absent the christianists, Huckabee has little appeal to the broader GOP base, regardless of advertising.
With the wild swings in the rankings of the numerous GOP candidates from primary to primary, it seems the GOP itself is in a bit of an identity crisis... But this has been said already. I expect Huckabee and his Christian soldiers will continue to march through the bible belt, but otherwise he will be pulling numbers closer to Ron Paul than anyone else.
-epm, at 9:40 AM
I think that's a good point that Huckabee needs less money/fuel for the campaign he's running, but to make that appeal outside his base, I think, will take money because he will have to somewhat rewrite his image to the public at large.
The same thing that gives him that free fundie support will have to be glossed over through lots of TV ads and that will take money.
I think he'll do better than expected throughout mainly because in the sparsely attended primaries, his group can exert more influence, but, no not winning.
He may gather delegates to take to the convention, though which could be interesting.
mikevotes, at 10:58 AM
Interesting thought about delegates and convention king-making. I hadn't thought about that.
-epm, at 11:41 AM
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