McCain gets a big Florida endorsement
Within the politics of the Florida GOP primary, this endorsement could be huge.
With the polls showing Romney a shade ahead of McCain, if Mel Martinez could bring some of the ex-Cuban vote towards McCain, that would be a really big deal.
Sen. Mel Martinez of Florida will endorse his Senate colleague John McCain for the Republican presidential nomination, the Arizona senator's press office said Friday.
With the polls showing Romney a shade ahead of McCain, if Mel Martinez could bring some of the ex-Cuban vote towards McCain, that would be a really big deal.
Somewhere over the last couple of weeks, the Republican 'Powers That Be' have bailed on Huckabee, Romney and 9iu11iani and decided to concentrate on McCain as the most likely to garner votes.
What turned the tide there? When exactly did it happen?
Huckabee proved too evangelical, Romney too mannequinlike, and Giuliani too weird. I get that.
But was there any media hint as to just when the tide turned and the mainstream newsfaces all began not saying bad things about McCain? If there was, I think I missed that event.
r8r, at 2:03 PM
I think Romney still has alot of mainline GOP support, although he's going to have to post a real first place for them to pour in.
They see him as a guy they can do business with, which he is, it's really a question of whether he can win over voters.
I think they'd far prefer a Romney over a McCain.
mikevotes, at 5:45 PM
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