Another Iraqi "breakthrough" lost
Remember when the Bush administration tried to claim that oil revenue sharing was already taking place because the Iraqis had agreed to a national budget?
Well, (Reuters) "Iraqi lawmakers have refused to pass the 2008 budget because of rows over funding, including how much money to give the autonomous Kurdistan region."
The overt disagreement is whether the Kurdish region represents 12 or 17% of the population, but the backstory is the continuing argument over the KRG's signing of regional oil deals which channels a percentage of the oil money directly to the Kurds, around the normal process.
(They can't even agree on a flag, "The new flag will last for one year, during which time talks will continue on what the final flag should look like.")
Well, (Reuters) "Iraqi lawmakers have refused to pass the 2008 budget because of rows over funding, including how much money to give the autonomous Kurdistan region."
The overt disagreement is whether the Kurdish region represents 12 or 17% of the population, but the backstory is the continuing argument over the KRG's signing of regional oil deals which channels a percentage of the oil money directly to the Kurds, around the normal process.
(They can't even agree on a flag, "The new flag will last for one year, during which time talks will continue on what the final flag should look like.")
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