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Born at the Crest of the Empire

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Political bits

(AP) Micke Huckabee defends his "Christmas ad" by turning it into an attack on Christianity. (No, sir. The criticism is an attack on your exploitation of Christianity.)

(AP) Mitt Romney says Huckabee is liberal like Clinton. (I'm telling you, all the early signs indicate that the Romney attacks are landing.)

(ConcordMonitor) Mitt Romney gets shredded in what many are calling an anti-endorsement.

(Politico) Limbaugh accepts Huckabee's apology, but doesn't really seem to let it go.

Obama lands some first class snark against Edwards over the 527 group run by Edwards' former campaign manager,
"He said yesterday that he's going to ask [Baldick] to do it, and my attitude is that if you can't get your former campaign manager and political director to do what you'd like, then it's going to be hard to get the insurance companies and drug companies to do what you want."

In the ABC piece on the Dem 527's, we learn,
Any Iowa mom who Googles the word "recipe" should see an ad linking to YouGoGirl.com, which recruits women to caucus for Clinton. The ad is courtesy of the powerful abortion rights group EMILY's List, which works to elect Democratic women.

Even the Christmas meal isn't free from politics.


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