Picture of the Day
(AP) "Rampaging youths rioted overnight in Paris' suburbs, hurling Molotov cocktails and setting fire to dozens of cars. At least 77 officers were injured and officers were fired at, a senior police union official said Tuesday." (AP Photo/Thibault Camus)
There's a bubbling undercurrent of underprivileged unrest in France. As much as it's known for it's liberal social programs, it's probably more xenophobic than even the US. Though I can't tell from the image, I'll bet these are immigrants, or the children of immigrants.
This is a path down which I can see the US going if we embrace Tancredo-link anti-immigrant policies.
What history has shown us time and again is the human condition can only take so much pressure before the very mechanisms that make us human -- the reason why we've evolved, survived and adapted -- explode. As a species, we will do what's necessary to survive. If repressed, we will revolt.
My concern is that we now live in a country that doesn't believe in concept of human rights -- the basic, universal and inalienable rights endowed upon any individual merely by virtue of being a human being.
A little rambling and preachy... sorry 'bout that.
-epm, at 8:57 AM
No need to apologize.
I don't have a really strong feeling of what goes on in France. I understand this is largely the immigrants and the poor whose opportunities are seriously limited by the society and the system. And then on top of that, you have police incidents inflaming that anger with authority.
I would think it's akin to the US race riots in the late 60's, but I'm an expert on neither.
mikevotes, at 11:22 AM
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