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Born at the Crest of the Empire

Thursday, August 30, 2007


(Telegraph) The US is refusing all British requests for US military witnesses in friendly fire inquests.

(USAToday) The Center for American Progress issued a report saying that most US troops could be withdrawn "safely" from Iraq in about a year. (Remember CAP is the parent of ThinkProgress so there's definitely a political tilt.)

(Reuters) "U.S. analysts see Sadr move aimed at Mehdi Army rogues" (One thing to note in this "Sadr standing down" story is that it's not really been fleshed out what this means. Mahdi will still stand, armed, to protect its neighborhoods and people.)

(Unknown) Two secretaries of Sistani were seized by Mahdi in Karbala? (If true, it has to be a splinter group.)

(CNN) "U.N. reports cholera outbreak in northern Iraq" (Almost inevitable with the water situation.)

And, (Reuters) Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshiyar Zebari says things are going just swimmingly in Iraq.


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