Picture of the Day - 3
Dear Republicans, after reading all the paeans to Romney's "sculpted features" and "shoulders you can land an F-16 on," I would offer this.
He will not be as attractive a candidate when you get a closer look.
Republican presidential hopeful, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, is interviewed by The Associated Press in Washington, Thursday, June 7, 2007.
From Think Progress:
'CNN’s Alina Cho on Mitt Romney:
“He looks great, sounds great, smells great.” But is it the smell of “English leather…Aqua Velva, the sort of mature man’s shaving cream”?'
All I can say is ... WHAT. THE. F@#$!!
If this is what passes for American news journalism and intelligent thought, then shoot me know and get it over with. I'm so glad I have my passport and enough money for a ticket abroad.
-epm, at 6:28 PM
Yeah, I saw that.
This is awful early though for that much love. As he gets tarred and tired on the trail, the snapback will be more noticable.
mikevotes, at 6:37 PM
First of all, I don't have cable and I don't read CNN on the web, so I don't know who Ms. Cho is or what her role is at CNN. Still, for a station that shoots for being "the most trusted name in news"....
Secondly, I just don't get this this whole quasi-sexual obsession so many talking heads seem to have with various candidates. Honestly, I could walk into a lock-down psych ward and be no more flabbergasted than I am with these people.
And finally, your right: it is waaaay too early to get ones pheromones going for any one candidate. Daily Kos had a very sobering look at the Dem candidates polling info throughout 2003 and into 2004. Wow.
What I think is happening is that these talking heads have an ability for forward thinking roughly on par with a fruit fly. They can't see -- or think -- beyond the next commercial break.
-epm, at 6:58 PM
Well, you have to remember that the news people operate in a world where looks, and looks alone, land jobs. Their frame of reference is way off.
And, just as a broader comment on '08, the Repubs are polling relatively OK now, but you gotta figue an election year ad campaign that asks over and over, "do you really want four more years of a Republican presidency?" when the housing market will be bottoming, etc...
That's gotta be worth 5 points at least.
Imagine a Republican candidate being asked, which of the Bush admin personnel would you carry over?
mikevotes, at 9:10 PM
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