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Born at the Crest of the Empire

Friday, June 22, 2007

Correction and apology

Yesterday, I made the comment that Bush polling at 26% approval in the Newsweek poll was probably an outlier. Reality Based Educator chimed back with this,
26%/65% in Newsweek
29%/66% in WSJ/NBC News
28%//65% in Quinnipiac
29%/61% in Pew

True, Gallup, Fox, Ap-Ipsos and LA Times/Bloomberg have Bush between 32%-34% approval, but Newsweek's poll isn't that much of an outlier.

Probably should also add the latest ARG 27%/67%.

If you dig into some of these, the erosion appears to be in Republican support (from immigration?,) but I think the case can be solidly made that Bush is now dancing with the 20's.

(Maybe there's a reason that Pres. Bush will need an unprecedented 103 secret service members to protect him after he leaves office.)


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