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Born at the Crest of the Empire

Friday, May 11, 2007

Unbelievable Cheney

In an interview with (who else?) FoxNews:

QUESTION: You are portrayed by your opponents and some in the media as this sinister figure, as this cold-blooded warmonger who doesn't care about the number of body bags going back. ..... But how do you feel about the cost of this war in blood and treasure four years later? And I guess the question most Americans have is how much is enough.

THE VICE PRESIDENT: Well, obviously, any casualty is to be regretted. Nobody likes to be in the position where they have to make those kinds of decisions. Obviously, the President bears the major part of the burden. He's the man with the authority to commit the force.



  • Cheney paraphrased: "Yes, well.... it is too bad, isn't it? But that guy over there? He's the one at fault. Not me."

    He's framing his defense, I'd say.


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:28 AM  

  • When people like Cheney say "any casualty is to be regretted," I always hear it followed by, "but what can you do." The death and destruction may be regretted, but not as much as losing money or power... or having to admit a mistake. Now THAT would really be regretted.

    By Blogger -epm, at 10:57 AM  

  • Local, about six months ago I wrote something along the lines of "By the time politicians start trying to escape blame, the game is already over."


    EPM, there is often an externalizing used by politicians. Much like Bush blaming the Democrats for his recent veto. It's not his fault after all.

    By Blogger mikevotes, at 11:33 AM  

  • "Any casualty is regretted"?! Is that the best he could do in response to a softball question that was clearly designed to allow him to show a little human warmth?

    That is one cold, mean old dude. Now I know what he was doing in the bushes at that Rose Garden press conference a few weeks back; looking for the sprinkler controls! "Get off my lawn, you damn kids!"

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:29 PM  

  • The sprinkler controls....

    That's funny.

    By Blogger mikevotes, at 9:29 PM  

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