Wanna see something fun?
Take a look at this NYTimes graphic outlining donations for some of the '08 presidential candidates. Right now, they only have some of them up, but with the three Republicans, it's still fun.
In the left column pick one of the candidates, Romney, Giuliani, or McCain. Then go over to the box on the right side and enter your zip code (or like me, enter the code for the rich area one zip over.)
And, bango, there are people I know giving money to Romney, Giuliani, and McCain.
In the left column pick one of the candidates, Romney, Giuliani, or McCain. Then go over to the box on the right side and enter your zip code (or like me, enter the code for the rich area one zip over.)
And, bango, there are people I know giving money to Romney, Giuliani, and McCain.
This is fascinating, I typed in the two zip codes that comprise my old hometown in SE New Mexico. It is hardcore republican territory that overwhelmingly went for Bush in ’00 and ’04.
99 contributions were listed and 98 went to Richardson and 1 to Giuliani. All but just a handful that went to Richardson were for $2300. Although he is a favorite son, this is very surprising.
Anonymous, at 12:08 PM
What I find interesting is the curve of contributions, form <200 to >2300.
In the extreme, while Romney raised 50% more than Edwards, Edwards actually raised nearly 70% more than Romney in <$500 contributions.
I was also surprised at how geographically broad Romney's support was, particularly in the west and northwest. Edwards has a nice, solid distribution as well. He's more solid in the states east of the Mississippi than is Romney, but not in the NW. It's just interesting to look at the money-bubble and think electoral votes... though that's getting ahead of things just a bit.
-epm, at 1:16 PM
I was fascinated that Houston's rich areas went big Giuliani, the less rich areas went McCain.
Romney, pretty much rode his six degrees of separation business contacts, so, you figure his time in investment banking and on the Salt Lake Olympics put him in a web with some of the tech guys.
And, don't you know? Edwards isn't a candidate. It's Obama and Clinton and no one else. Don't you watch the news?
mikevotes, at 2:33 PM
Your a funny guy, Mike! The more the media makes the Dem primary a horse race between Obama and Hillary, the more I'm rooting for Edwards. Just because.
-epm, at 5:36 PM
Same. I really hadn;t paid too much attention to him until one day I got pissed off at the two horse coverage.
I respect the guy. He's really smart and I believe he works very hard.
Of all the candidates, he's the one I would most like as a neighbor. They'd be a little uptight, but, very nice people.
mikevotes, at 9:06 PM
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