The metaphor at the Easter Egg Roll
Laura Bush at the Easter Egg Roll. (Reuters/Kevin Lamarque)
But who chose the book? Did she?
After her welcome, the first lady sat in one of the area's designated reading nooks and read "Duck for President," by Doreen Cronin. It's a story of a duck who gets sick of farm chores and decides to run for office — first for head of the farm, then governor and, finally, president. In the end he decides running the country is too much work and goes back to the farm.
A farm animal overwhelmed by the duties of the presidency. I don't think that's a comparison they want out there.
(Also: USAToday - Bush below 40% approval for 7 straight months. His average approval across the entire second term is 41%. Only Truman and Nixon scored lower.)
You just can't make this stuff up! Truly, the inmates are running the asylum.
-epm, at 2:03 PM
I don't believe that before a crowd that size at a profile event like this, that book was just randomly pulled from the pile.
So, who picked it and why?
(And do they still work for the White House?)
mikevotes, at 2:06 PM
I that same time I think that nothing goes un-choreographed in this administration, I also think they're just making it up as they go along. I can't decide whether they're OCD micromanagers, or just Machiavellian cowboys.
In any event, I have to agree with you when it comes to Mr. and Mrs. Bush, there has to be some serious level of scripting the event. To that end, is it possible they see the "duck" as a virtuous creature?
-epm, at 2:45 PM
Maybe a "simple man" of the ranch?
Clear values? Something like that?
I'd buy it.
Maybe somebody thought the president theme was cute, but didn't read the end?
Don't know.
mikevotes, at 3:44 PM
"Maybe somebody thought the president theme was cute, but didn't read the end?"
I think you may have something there. It's kind of a metaphor for his entire presidency... never thinking things through to the end.
-epm, at 9:13 PM
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