Romney wins the CPAC straw poll
Romney wins the CPAC straw poll. This is huge for Mitt Romney's campaign. If he'd gotten creamed, it was over for him. Now, we will have the three way McCain, Giuliani, Romney sniping going on through the summer.
Drudge has it,
Mitt Romney 21%
Rudy Giuliani 17%.
Sam Brownback 15%
Newt Gingrich 14%
John McCain, 12%,
(Of course, let's remember that the Romney campaign shipped in and payed for busloads of college Republicans who voted for him. (I can't find the link easily, you'll have to trust me.))
Do you figure McCain saw this coming and that's why he chose not to attend?
Also: Newsweek has Giuliani +25 on McCain.
I keep getting this feeling that the McCain campaign is one of those bloated whales they keep poking holes in, waiting for it to sink, but because of all the money and years of organization, it just won't go down.
McCain has to do something drastic. He can't wait for "the surge."
Drudge has it,
Mitt Romney 21%
Rudy Giuliani 17%.
Sam Brownback 15%
Newt Gingrich 14%
John McCain, 12%,
(Of course, let's remember that the Romney campaign shipped in and payed for busloads of college Republicans who voted for him. (I can't find the link easily, you'll have to trust me.))
Do you figure McCain saw this coming and that's why he chose not to attend?
Also: Newsweek has Giuliani +25 on McCain.
I keep getting this feeling that the McCain campaign is one of those bloated whales they keep poking holes in, waiting for it to sink, but because of all the money and years of organization, it just won't go down.
McCain has to do something drastic. He can't wait for "the surge."
Notice that the first negative stories about Rudy hit the wires today.
The NY Times had the piece about how his kids are estranged from him (and you know why? Cuz' he was bringing the mistress home and schtupping her while Donna and the kids were up the hall!), the Washington Times had the story that said Rudy disappointed the conservative activists when he mentioned Lincoln (weird, that one...I thought the GOP was the party of Lincoln, but I guess now it's the party of Norquist) and even Adam Nags in the NY Times wrote how Romney was better received than Rudy.
Just wait until Romney's opposition research people (many of whom are Bush/Cheney '00 and '04 people) unload on Rudy w/ the infidelity stories, the living w/ 2 gay guys stories, the Kerik stuff, the Gambino family business ethics, the liberal social issues (notice how the NRA VP didn't dig Giuliani and the New York gun laws too much at CPAC?), etc.
And as you say, McCain has to do something to stop this free-fall. Taking out Rudy might be a start. I bet he takes a swing at Rudy soon too.
I maintain that Giuliani hasn't officially announced yet for president because he knows he's the candidate with the most baggage to run for the WH since Bill Clinton. Frankly, Rudy has MORE baggage than Bill, though he's got 9/11 to offset some of that. Still, you can see conservatives aren't too thrilled w/ Rudy and I bet they're going to be even less thrilled when some of the dirt in his background comes to the forefront w/ the help of his rivals.
Reality-Based Educator, at 7:15 PM
Yeah, I blogged the estranged from children story this morning. The timing was a hack job.
I'm really hoping this stays a three way race because the attacks look to be much nastier because because of the complication.
and McCain has hired some of the Bush dirty works guys too.
I really find Rudy interesting, because he's risking that ultra profitable consultancy which is based on his image. As his image gets torn apart, his future value goes down. When he wasn't running for president, he could hide all the other stuff beyond 9-11. But it's all too easy and gonna come out now.
(And as for timing, Don't miss the "Obama's family owned slaves" story a day before he speaks to commemorate Selma. I blogged it last night.)
mikevotes, at 9:12 PM
I think the Republicans know that they couldn't possibly win with a Giuliani or a McCain, since both are radioactive, and are using Romney as their vehicle. Even with a loss, they can point to their support for a candidate with a nonstandard religion as moral highground.
Anonymous, at 10:48 AM
I would buy that as an interpretation right now.
I don't think the decision has been that clearly made, and I think there are still factions competing about the strategy and candidates, BUT,
I am starting to see the occasional mention of strategizing against a planned loss. There seems to be a whole lot of offhand comments from some of the big guys that seem to imply they expect to lose in '08.
Again, I don't think that's consensus, but it seems to have a pretty big presence in the thinking.
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