"Bend over America. This will go alot easier if you relax."
(Former Massachusetts Governor and Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney puts on a rubber glove before serving himself a piece of fudge at the Hollis Pharmacy in Hollis, New Hampshire, March 1, 2007. REUTERS/Brian Snyder)
Ouch! This is wicked funny, as we say here in New England.
-epm, at 9:53 AM
Yeah, this is an example of image management gone bad.
I'm sure the thinking was, "We'll go to a fudge factory, get a few shots of the governor enjoying himself, family friendly...."
But no one warned them about the glove.
mikevotes, at 1:30 PM
"Once you're over 40, we're going to have to do this every year."
Anonymous, at 2:18 PM
"My sudden and newfound position on homosexuality is so closely felt that I will be personally conducting examinations of my staff and supporters.
After all, I can't run a witchhunt campaign without witches."
mikevotes, at 2:31 PM
Fudge Packing in the 21st century. Vote Romney.
cookie christine, at 3:09 PM
Best laugh I've had today. Appreciate it.
QuakerDave, at 3:17 PM
Cookie, The FUDGE is a really nice touch isn't it?
Dave, I always feel a little weird with the funny because I talk about such dour things, but occasionally the funny just has to be heard.
There have been a ton of good US pictures lately what with '08 candidates Bush travelling around trying to talk about Iraq.
My waiting file is pretty full, but I don't like to run the pictures one after the other, so, pictures should be pretty good for a week.
mikevotes, at 3:58 PM
My doctor looks a little like Dick Cheney (ok, he looks a lot like Dick Cheney). So guys, picture Cheney with his twisted evil smile putting on that glove and walking your way.
Anonymous, at 7:22 PM
Not going to happen.
mikevotes, at 8:56 PM
Didn't another Mass. gov. self-destruct sort of like this? With a helmet in a tank?
Anonymous, at 2:01 PM
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