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Born at the Crest of the Empire

Tuesday, March 20, 2007


(WaPo) Police Yield to Sunni Insurgents' Ultimatum: In Town North of Baghdad, Five of Eight Stations Are Destroyed.

(I think it should be noted that the more violent Sunni elements still have free reign in Anbar. They are able to gather outside a police station, stand there, threaten, and blow up the building without any real response. They did this 5 times, more or less openly in the streets, and then walked away.)

(USAToday) If you strip out the Kurdistan where there is no appreciable US military presence, Iraqis where US troops are stationed overwhelmingly want US troops out.
In all, 83% of Shiites and 97% of Sunni Arabs oppose the presence of coalition forces in Iraq; 75% of Kurds support them. By more than 3 to 1, Iraqis say the presence of U.S. forces is making the security situation worse.

And we're supposedly fighting for them.


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