And the knockout blow.
We should build a shrine to whoever is running this campaign.
The declassification of one NIE will spawn demand for this one. And she waited until this morning (concurrent with Bush's announcement) to make this call.
They must be reeling in the White House.
There's a second damning Iraq report floating around the intelligence community.
At least, that's according to Rep. Jane Harman (CA), the top Democrat on the House intelligence committee. At an event this morning, Harman disclosed the existence of a classified intelligence community report that gives a grim assessment of the situation in Iraq, and called for it to be shared with the American public -- before the November elections.
The report has not been shared with Congress, although sources say a draft version may have circulated earlier this summer......
The declassification of one NIE will spawn demand for this one. And she waited until this morning (concurrent with Bush's announcement) to make this call.
They must be reeling in the White House.
You know, when we pull out of Iraq we will be leaving a hell of a mess that will bite us in the ass.
Just saying.
Bravo 2-1, at 1:26 PM
You're right. The question is, are we doing more damage staying there?
And, if we stay there for another 2 or 5 years, will the eventual outcome be any different?
The entire line of argument for staying is based on the belief that 1) If we stay we will get a better outcome, and 2) that it's the best use of the resources during that time.
Would we be better off pulling back from Iraq and putting our efforts into Aghan/Pakistan and the Isareli Palestinian conflict?
I can't answer any of those concretely except the first, that our present course is doing damage.
But that's how the policy should be decided.
I'm not against the Iraq war just for moral reasons, although I am, I am against the Iraq war because it was a massive geopolitical blunder. By every measure at this point, the action in Iraq has made the US less safe.
More worldwide terrorism, more regional terrorism, a greater threat to the US from Iraq as terrorists train there in anger against the US before coming here, greater regional instability, greater threats to US oil supplies, an ascendant Iran, a diminution of US standing and influence around the world, the crippling of the US Army, the inability to place credible threats against N. Korea/Iran or elsewhere, a gap in our stregnth that has allowed China to strengthen world wide ties.
Iraq has been an utter failure on every front.
mikevotes, at 1:50 PM
Oh this is the most substantial geopolitical mistake in the past 60/70 years.
My moral point is derived from Just War Theory, namely (jus in bello). We have a moral obligation to improve this if it is possible and if the attempt would not create greater harm (practicable).
It might not be.
It's worth thinking about though.
I agree with all you have said though.
Bravo 2-1, at 3:36 PM
I certainly agree with that. If you're asking me, I take the middle ground solution on Iraq.
Stop random patrols immediately. Over 12-18 months transfer provinces 2 or 3 at a time. Reduce in country force to about 20,000 fighting men (probably 50,000 total,) pull those back to bases way out in the desert, way away from anybody and work solely in a support role when requested. Then, over extended time phase out those troops as well.
I think it is extremely important to establish time tables. Both to force the Iraqi government forward, and to assure the Iraqis that we do recognize it is their country.
I agree that the US has responsibility, but at the same time, you have to include in that "first, do no harm." I think the US can be of more benefit by doing less.
But, no, no pullout tomorrow. But restructure and redefine the mission TODAY.
mikevotes, at 5:09 PM
Evaluate the Mission, and how much it has drifted. Restructure to reasonable goals.
I've blogged on my two cents on the NIE. I'd love to write more, but I will probably go to sleep soon.
Bravo 2-1, at 8:14 PM
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