Saudis supporting Sunni insurgents in Iraq
This certainly isn't a surprise, but it's the first place I've seen it stated plainly as fact. (Buried in a Joe Klein piece on the flawed alternatives left in Iraq.)
Okay, so, Iran supplying weapons to Hezbullah, "Axis of Evil," source of all that is dark and evil in the universe. Saudi Arabia is supplying an Iraqi insurgency that is actually targeting and killing Americans and is deemed an ally in the war on terror worthy of weapons sales.
It seems to me that the Bush administration is completely freaking out at the reality that their failed Iraq war has created that Shia crescent that Chris Matthews keeps going on about. Not only have they lost Iraq, but they're losing the region.
That adds a slightly different flavor to the increased US attacks on Iraq's Shia militias. And just how firm is pro-Iran, pro-Hezbullah Iraqi Prime Minister Nour al Maliki right now? So long as SCIRI and Maliki's Dawa party stand with him, he won't lose his position through parliamentary action, but the US is not best pleased with Maliki right now, and there are the rumors passing around.
In recent months, according to U.S. intelligence sources, the Saudis and Jordanians, who are predominantly Sunni, have quietly moved to support the insurgency with money and intelligence, fearing that Shi'ite Iran will dominate the new Iraqi government if the U.S. decides to leave.
Okay, so, Iran supplying weapons to Hezbullah, "Axis of Evil," source of all that is dark and evil in the universe. Saudi Arabia is supplying an Iraqi insurgency that is actually targeting and killing Americans and is deemed an ally in the war on terror worthy of weapons sales.
It seems to me that the Bush administration is completely freaking out at the reality that their failed Iraq war has created that Shia crescent that Chris Matthews keeps going on about. Not only have they lost Iraq, but they're losing the region.
That adds a slightly different flavor to the increased US attacks on Iraq's Shia militias. And just how firm is pro-Iran, pro-Hezbullah Iraqi Prime Minister Nour al Maliki right now? So long as SCIRI and Maliki's Dawa party stand with him, he won't lose his position through parliamentary action, but the US is not best pleased with Maliki right now, and there are the rumors passing around.
Is this nuts? Not only are most of the hijackers Saudi, now they are financing attacks on our troops in Iraq.
Born at the Crest posted earlier that we are actually selling tanks and helicopters and missles to the Saudis and Oman and Jordan and UAE and Bahrain. Will those missles be coming back to our troops?
Bush should not only be impeached. He and his entire administration, including Condi and Rummy and Dickie and Wolfie and the whole lot of them should be put away forever in padded rooms in a facility for the criminally insane.
NEWSGUY, at 3:48 PM
If I remember right, Jordan and Saudi got armored vehicles and helicopters/planes.
The missiles were sold to Oman, but they were anti-armor missiles. So, maybe.
mikevotes, at 4:06 PM
The "New Middle East" is starting to remind me of the old Balkans.
Yes, newsguy, this is absolutely nuts. Surreal.
Anonymous, at 4:17 PM
We have the factionalization, and the beginnings of the ethnic cleansing, but the US is still in Iraq as a mitigating force. Also, there are lots of regional players which changes the dynamics alot. If either side starts losing, money pours in to prop them up.
mikevotes, at 6:26 PM
I meant the oooold Balkans - the pre-World War I Balkans. ;-)
Anonymous, at 8:41 PM
Yeah. Sorry. That's a better fit.
mikevotes, at 8:43 PM
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