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Born at the Crest of the Empire

Wednesday, July 19, 2006


I just watched the Tony Snow press briefing and the US policy towards the Israeli attacks on Lebanon appears to be we don't want to know so we're not going to ask and don't kill too many civilians.

As for what's too many civilians....?


  • At least Snow responded today. I'm told he just dodged the issue completely yesterday.

    By Blogger Cartledge, at 2:23 PM  

  • US Middle East Policy: TBD. Until then, don't ask questions, don't comment, make broad and vague comments about "self defense," "tragic loss of life," "terrorists," "freedom on the march."

    By Blogger -epm, at 3:11 PM  

  • Yeah, cartledge, but that's because the reporters wouldn't let him.

    EPM, the idea is to buy the Israelis a week.


    By Blogger mikevotes, at 9:05 AM  

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