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Born at the Crest of the Empire

Friday, March 17, 2006

On Port Security

On the same day a report from the Inspector General's office was to be released on Port Security...
Though the Inspector General does identify some improvements over last year's evaluation that there was "no assurance that the program is protecting the nation’s most critical and vulnerable infrastructure," it still seriously calls into question the security of American ports, at one point noting that "it is not clear that DHS knows how much actual risk reduction has been achieved."

The Republicans in the House voted down $1.25 Billion for Port Security.

Tell me again, exactly how are the Republicans making me safer?

(On DKos, there are a few other things the Republicans found unimportant and voted against. Coast Guard $1.7 billion, First Responders, $1.2 billion, Chemical Plants $150 million, Reil Security, $1 billion, $500 million for FEMA, and $1 billion for hospital preparedness. Notice that all these programs put together cost less than one month in Iraq!!!!!


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