No Gore in 2008
I had really started to fall in love with the new "remodeled" Al Gore. In a speech Monday Gore said he is not planning to run in 2008.
This makes me sad.
UPDATE: Reality-based educator pointed me to this very recent American Prospect article on Gore I had forgotten about. Thanks.
This makes me sad.
UPDATE: Reality-based educator pointed me to this very recent American Prospect article on Gore I had forgotten about. Thanks.
I would love to see Gore run again. He's really been a lot more aggressive. He'd be a good fit for a leadership position in the DNC.
Ryan, at 9:37 AM
Exactly. He's also been borne out as right on alot of his campaign points. I certainly understand why he would not want to run again just from his previous experience, but it still makes me sad.
And, I don't know about DNC positions, Bill Clinton still holds a ton of sway, and they had that falling out in mid 2000. I would assume not running against Hillary probably earns him some points though.
mikevotes, at 11:03 AM
Planning not to run doesn't mean he won't run if pushed.
What I'm reading is that he may get pushed ... hard.
Greyhair, at 12:23 PM
Planning not to run doesn't mean he won't run if pushed.
What I'm reading is that he may get pushed ... hard.
Greyhair, at 12:23 PM
I know, that crossed my mind, too.
But if that's the case, however it's done, either Hillary Clinton has to willingly step aside or there's going to be BIG conflict through the primaries.
mikevotes, at 1:39 PM
Check out the cover story in The American Prospect on Gore by Ezra Klein (got the link from Digby.).
The gist seems to be that Gore could jump into the race at some point in late 2007 or early 2008 and be successful because:
1. Lefties have no love for Hillary and will be looking for an anti-Hillary to coalesce around
2. Gore has reinvented himself and become beloved within progressive circles after giving all those tough speeches on the Iraq war (which he opposed from the start!), the NSA spying program, the inanity of the media, etc.
3. Gore, through his connection to, can raise a lot of money overnight. In the past he would have had to start fundraising now to match Hillary's warchest, but with the aid of the internets, Al could plausibly raise more money than Howard Dean at an even faster clip if he has real grassroots support (which he just may if he runs as the anti-Hillary.)
There's a lot more to the article, but it left me feeling good about Mr. Gore and a bit hopeful that he COULD be drafted in 2008 if Hillary looks unstoppable.
One of the problems that I see about a Gore candidacy is that I think only people paying close attention to politics will know that he has reinvented himself, thrown the caution (and Donna Braziles!) of the 2000 campaign to the wind, and is speaking with an authentic voice and real passion.
My uncle, for instance, who voted Gore in 2000, thinks Gore still sucks (he's a stiff, too cautious, etc.) after losing the 2000 election. Al would have to win over the people who think he's a stiff, plus there's still the old 2000 campaign memes to overcome, like how Gore claimed he created the internets, he's a know-it-all, etc.
Anyway, let's see how things play out. Gore hasn't completely ruled out an '08 run, so there's still hope.
Reality-Based Educator, at 5:57 AM
I saw that Prospect article, but forgot about it by the time I wrote this post.
And, yes, I do think it's possible that Gore might change his mind. And with his profile, he could jump in pretty late, that's a very good point.
ANd, I don't think it would take too long for your uncle to change his mind on Gore. I was a huge Gore critic for the way that he talked to people like they were 5 years old, slowly, simply. He spoke to America like he thought he was smart and they were stupid, whereas his opponent(Bush, of course) talked slowly and simply but it worked because America thought he WAS stupid just like them.
The new Gore seems to have fixed that.
I'm gonna drop a link to that Prospect piece, and credit you. Thanks for the reminder.
mikevotes, at 6:36 AM
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