I am assuming this is Iraq? Bush has so much blood on his hands. He set in motion mass murder and an incredible wave of misery all across that poor country. The man is clearly a war criminal, and it is no surprise he opposes the International Criminal Court. It is simple self-preservation.
Of course, Clinton and Poppa are not innocent when it comes to the extreme punishment the Iraqis have absorbed in the past 16 years or more. The no-fly rules and the food and medicine embargo killed hundreds of thousand of children.
The photo personifies our mission in Iraq perfectly.
I'm sorry about the blood. I try really hard not to put bloody or gory pictures up, but I figured that it was about the third thing you notice, and I thought this was such a powerful photo I just couldn't let it pass. Not really the thing for late night early morning, but that's when I get the most visitors, and I really wanted this photo to be seen. On me, it had a significant impact, one I'm unlikely to forget. much like the naked girl running down the road in Vietnam after the napalm attack. It stuck me as somewhat iconic.
And, Graeme, I just collect the photos as I read news stories. As I've said many times, I'm an absolute newsjunkie, so I come across lots of accompanying pictures.
Oh, forgot to mention, that I use yahoo news as my personalized homepage. Not the best, but I've set it up just the way I want. You can set it up to get the top ten stories, int'l stories, US stories for AP, AFP, Reuters, and they all have accompanying photos, as well as having "slideshows" on the biggest news topics, Iraq, military, Alito(right now) etc.
That's where I get about a third of them, BBC is pretty good, NYTimes has few pictures but they're usually excellent. And, although I don't source them much for stories because I don't know of their accuracy, I often try to go to local or regional media on int'l stories like Iraq. And they aren't concerned with making the war appear "clean" and undisturbing like the US media.
So, I've seen some awful things out of Iraq for instance, (it's a real war, you know) but I just don't feel right putting those images up here. Some people read me for the politics or the Plame, and I just don't feel right mixing in photos that would keep them awake at night. Like has happened to me on more than one occasion.
thats really disturbing and as disturbing as it is people should see it so they understand the consequences of what is going on. have u seen the photos at robert fisks site?
thats really disturbing and as disturbing as it is people should see it so they understand the consequences of what is going on. have u seen the photos at robert fisks site?
No, Michael, I haven't even thought to check Fisk for photos. I make a point to search out his writing/reporting, but never thought to source him on photos, but the fact that he's one of the few who works outside the greenzone....
I've gotta run right now, but I'll dig through them later.
I saw some pics the other day of a military rehab facility. Most had lost one and some both legs in Iraq.
A few years from now, when they suffer great deprression about their need for a prosthesis, I wonder how many will still say, "We were fighting the terrorists!"
This is not the America I was brought up to believe in.
This blog seeks to highlight abuse of power, deception, corruption, and just plain bad ideas in government and corporations.
Updated several times a day.
I am assuming this is Iraq? Bush has so much blood on his hands. He set in motion mass murder and an incredible wave of misery all across that poor country. The man is clearly a war criminal, and it is no surprise he opposes the International Criminal Court. It is simple self-preservation.
Of course, Clinton and Poppa are not innocent when it comes to the extreme punishment the Iraqis have absorbed in the past 16 years or more. The no-fly rules and the food and medicine embargo killed hundreds of thousand of children.
The photo personifies our mission in Iraq perfectly.
NEWSGUY, at 10:37 PM
jesus, where do you get all these pics? Very powerful. Like Matt said, she is no longer a child.
Graeme, at 11:16 PM
Jesus that's disturbing. Made my brain shake. Iconic for sure. Frightening.
Neil Shakespeare, at 2:28 AM
Done in our name. For all those that voted for Bush because they bought into fear, this is the cost of your percieved safety.
Yukkione, at 6:44 AM
I'm sorry about the blood. I try really hard not to put bloody or gory pictures up, but I figured that it was about the third thing you notice, and I thought this was such a powerful photo I just couldn't let it pass. Not really the thing for late night early morning, but that's when I get the most visitors, and I really wanted this photo to be seen. On me, it had a significant impact, one I'm unlikely to forget. much like the naked girl running down the road in Vietnam after the napalm attack. It stuck me as somewhat iconic.
And, Graeme, I just collect the photos as I read news stories. As I've said many times, I'm an absolute newsjunkie, so I come across lots of accompanying pictures.
mikevotes, at 7:28 AM
Oh, forgot to mention, that I use yahoo news as my personalized homepage. Not the best, but I've set it up just the way I want. You can set it up to get the top ten stories, int'l stories, US stories for AP, AFP, Reuters, and they all have accompanying photos, as well as having "slideshows" on the biggest news topics, Iraq, military, Alito(right now) etc.
That's where I get about a third of them, BBC is pretty good, NYTimes has few pictures but they're usually excellent. And, although I don't source them much for stories because I don't know of their accuracy, I often try to go to local or regional media on int'l stories like Iraq. And they aren't concerned with making the war appear "clean" and undisturbing like the US media.
So, I've seen some awful things out of Iraq for instance, (it's a real war, you know) but I just don't feel right putting those images up here. Some people read me for the politics or the Plame, and I just don't feel right mixing in photos that would keep them awake at night. Like has happened to me on more than one occasion.
mikevotes, at 7:40 AM
thats really disturbing and as disturbing as it is people should see it so they understand the consequences of what is going on. have u seen the photos at robert fisks site?
michael the tubthumper, at 8:00 AM
thats really disturbing and as disturbing as it is people should see it so they understand the consequences of what is going on. have u seen the photos at robert fisks site?
michael the tubthumper, at 8:00 AM
No, Michael, I haven't even thought to check Fisk for photos. I make a point to search out his writing/reporting, but never thought to source him on photos, but the fact that he's one of the few who works outside the greenzone....
I've gotta run right now, but I'll dig through them later.
HUGE thanks.
mikevotes, at 8:34 AM
I saw some pics the other day of a military rehab facility. Most had lost one and some both legs in Iraq.
A few years from now, when they suffer great deprression about their need for a prosthesis, I wonder how many will still say, "We were fighting the terrorists!"
liberal_dem, at 7:44 PM
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