Howard Dean, unapologetic
Howard Dean was on fire today. I caught him with Wolf Blitzer on the CNN talk show today, and he was outstanding. Dean may occasionally say some things I wish he wouldn't, but at the same time, he is an unapologetic Democrat. And there aren't many of those. (By the way, to his critics, he seems to be raising money hand over fist.)
The Dems need more political firebreathers. I was thinking this morning that somebody needs to go and dig out Al Sharpton and turn him loose on the scandal plagued Republicans. Again, he may say some things across the line, but Reverend Al generates scything soundbites.
Here's Dean with Blitzer. (WMV or Quicktime.)
Turn Dean loose, bring out Reverend Al, bring out the rhetorical cavalry.
The Dems need more political firebreathers. I was thinking this morning that somebody needs to go and dig out Al Sharpton and turn him loose on the scandal plagued Republicans. Again, he may say some things across the line, but Reverend Al generates scything soundbites.
Here's Dean with Blitzer. (WMV or Quicktime.)
Turn Dean loose, bring out Reverend Al, bring out the rhetorical cavalry.
Sharpton's mind is keen and has an edge that cuts away at GOP crap like a laser. Not to mention the fact that he's one of the funniest policos out there.
Yukkione, at 5:21 PM
I like Al. He's got some history I'm not too happy with, but just as a populist political speaker, he can't be beat.
And when you need someone to deliver sharp oneliners, Al is the best the Dems have.
mikevotes, at 9:21 PM
What I saw of it seemed to annoy Blitzer. Not a surprise. Blitzer is such a suckup to the Republican point of view.
NEWSGUY, at 9:53 PM
Oh, it did annoy Blitzer. Anything that challenges his credibility gets him up.
mikevotes, at 10:27 PM
Dean needs to continue to 'tell it like it is.' He's the right man for the job, unafraid to protray the neocons for what they are.
I wonder if the criticism of Dean as 'possibly not the right kind of leader of the DNC' is actually a propaganda technique of Rove and his ilk.
liberal_dem, at 8:10 AM
Libdem, I think it is. They are trying to move him into the "untouchable class" of Michael Moore, etc. Anybody who unabashedly states left leaning principles, they try to create the perception that they are out of the mainstream. While Santorum "homosexuality=bestiality and pedophilia" is presented as in the mainstream.
It doesn't happen without the media being manipulated or complicit.
mikevotes, at 8:29 AM
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