Gaggle question
Q This is my question -- I have two. A tunnel half a mile long has been discovered between Mexico and the United States. This well-constructed tunnel was reportedly used to smuggle drugs. But a Homeland Security official says, it could also have been used by terrorists to transport people and weapons into the U.S. Is the President concerned that homeland security is almost impossible when our southern border can be so easily penetrated?
Translation: Isn't the whole "Republicans as the party of security" just a carefully crafted myth?
At least four tunnels have been found under the border in just the last month. This last one was a doozy, a half mile long with electric lights and a pump to keep it dry. It was tall enough to allow a man to walk upright in it. The press largely ignored it.
Homeland security is a myth. No real security improvements in ports. Little inspection of cargo containers. Checked baggage on passenger planes could contain a bomb to be remotely detonated. Oil piplelines are just waiting to be blown up in Alaska. Nuclear plants are prime targets for a kamikaze mission.
Instead of doing anything to prevent "terrorism" the Bush administration uses it to induce fear and grab and consolidate power. Fear is a tool used by the Republicans to advance their agenda. They really need ANOTHER terrorist attack. It would fit their agenda perfectly.
NEWSGUY, at 12:06 PM
That's exactly it. You detailed the complete lack of security improvements far better than I did on the first draft of this post.
And, let me add one, again from the petrochem heartland, there is no protection of the chem plants refineries. Basically most of them still are just a chain link fence next to the road.
mikevotes, at 12:54 PM
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