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Born at the Crest of the Empire

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Ledeen, Ghorbanifar, and Plame

My Aunt thought this was so interesting that she sent it from the Czech Republic where she is visiting and waiting for the emminent birth of my new niece. (And no, they're not going to name her "Valerie".)

This is from Tom Paine.Com and goes into some of the possibilties on the Niger forgeries. It speculates quite a bit on the actions of the WHIG. But if you want to go down the rabbit hole and look at some of the possibilties involving Ledeen, Rhode, Franklin, Hannah, and Wurmser being involved in the Niger forgeries, this is an interesting trip.

Also, this is the second place I've seen it mentioned that Fitzgerald has looked at the Italian Parliamentary report on the origin of those forgeries. From the politics of the two people who wrote about it, I wouldn't be too surprised if this one cited the other, or they had the same source.

So, speculation, but a theory of the crime.

Also, John Dean was writing opinion pieces on Findlaw awhile back, thought that he might have an interesting perspective on a Whitehouse facing indictments, but in a quick look, I couldn't find anything.


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