Trying to blame Clinton for terrorism
There seems to be a push on, through leaks of old material, to re-emphasize the mistakes made during the Clinton administration regarding terrorism. Now, I gotta say, they made some pretty big mistakes, but I think it no coincidence that in the face of Bush's falling approval numbers, and especially with his falling "terrorism" number, that all this information blaming the Clinton administration is coming out.
First was the "Able Danger" stuff brought to light by Curt Weldon republican congressman. Basic outline is that a small group of military intelligence guys wanted/tried to warn the FBI about Atta and a few other hijackers entering the country. I have been hesitant to write about this because of its source. Weldon recently published a book about how Iran was the center of all terrorism, sourcing largely from Iran Contra affair and Iraq intel supplier Manuchar Ghorbanifar. In my opinion, that book made the Iraq pre war intel look honest. ( If you're interested in the whole ABLE Danger thing, this is a good starting point.)
And now, we get this,
First was the "Able Danger" stuff brought to light by Curt Weldon republican congressman. Basic outline is that a small group of military intelligence guys wanted/tried to warn the FBI about Atta and a few other hijackers entering the country. I have been hesitant to write about this because of its source. Weldon recently published a book about how Iran was the center of all terrorism, sourcing largely from Iran Contra affair and Iraq intel supplier Manuchar Ghorbanifar. In my opinion, that book made the Iraq pre war intel look honest. ( If you're interested in the whole ABLE Danger thing, this is a good starting point.)
And now, we get this,
As the approval numbers fall, I would expect to see more "Clinton's fault" type stories coming out, probably including a re-emphasis of the fact that they completely ignored Sudan's offer to turn over Bin Laden. But if we're gonna play the blame game, let's remember that the Taliban offered to extradite Bin Laden to a "muslim country" for trial after 9-11 in order to stave off invasion and remain in power. Who they meant by "muslim country," and the fact that all the rest of the structure would stay in tact in Afghanistan is the reason it was refused, but as they start throwing the Clinton mud, we should keep that in mind.
Blame is an interesting game. I'm not so convinced that we, as human beings, are less "self directed" than we like to think. If we believe as science tells us, that for every reaction there is an equal and opposite reaction is a cardinal rule -- why would it not apply to all things in the universe? If a man murders his preganant wife, is it a discreet act with discreet blame on the individual, or is it the culmination of a series of events experienced in his life, in his father's life, etc., etc. Perhaps the hundred years war between England and France (that still continues, whatever you might think, in attitude and rhetoric) simply petered out due the minute losses, misdirection, really, of energy that occurs when two imperfect bodies interact. This post likely is too metaphysical for this forum -- but, really, now, think about it. Is the search for meaning in these events, to search for and analyze the application of blame fruitless? Humans have always shown an amazing arrogance regarding knowledge: The world is flat; we are the center of the universe. I could go on. Ultimately, I believe it is all far too complex to ever evaluate in terms of blame. The number of variables is beyond our comprehension. However, it is interesting to observe -- for that is all we really may do -- even when we chose to interact. All that being said, commenting and offering theories on what goes around us is a most interesting way to pass whatever time is granted us in this temporal existance. It is equally interesting to watch political powers attempt to use blame as a means to bring about their vision of changing what is beyond their (and our) control.
Wild Bill (waxing wildly philisophical after a cup of excellent and strong java)
Anonymous, at 12:31 PM
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