Drudge goes after an Iraq war mom

The right wing slime machine is at it and hard. Cindy Sheehan, whose son died in the Iraq war, has been camped outside Bush's vacation home in Crawford claiming she will not leave until she gets to speak with President Bush. Two days ago, Bush sent out a couple of flacks, but she would not be mollified and has vowed to stay there until she can ask Bush what her son died for.
Now, needless to say, with the whitehouse press crew there and tired of watching our President "clear brush" and mountainbike, this is getting some play. And the last thing this administration wants is for the "Why did we go/Why are we there/What are our soldiers dying for?" questions to make it in the press.
So, in the great Swiftboat vets, John McCain, Joe Wilson, Paul O'Neil, Richard Clarke, etc. tradition, the right wing slimers come in from the side. This item ran on Drudge in his own print because I'm sure he couldn't find a real source.(top story for 5 hours, simple item for eight now) I'm sure The Reporter of Vacaville is really a major source.
The mother of a fallen U.S. soldier who is holding a roadside peace vigil near President Bush's ranch -- has dramatically changed her account about what happened when she met the commander-in-chief last summer!
Cindy Sheehan, 48, of Vacaville, Calif., who last year praised Bush for bringing her family the "gift of happiness," took to the nation's TV outlets this weekend to declare how Bush "killed an indispensable part of our family and humanity."
CINDY 2004
THE REPORTER of Vacaville, CA published an account of Cindy Sheehan's visit with the president at Fort Lewis near Seattle on June 24, 2004:
And it goes on like that. And this....
On her current media tour, Sheehan has not been asked to explain her twist on Bush; from praise to damnation!
And notice the picture he used(above), which although I like, was obviously chosen to resonate negatively with the brown shirts.
She's a freakin' war mom, for god's sake. I think she has paid the price to get to speak.
Evil freakin' bastards.
UPDATE: It's even worse and more crooked. Here's the article, and she's not prowar or proBush. The "happiness" quote was taken WAAAAAAYYYYY out of context.
UPDATE: Tue. morning 7:30 AM and it's gone off into the ether. No apology, no comment, just gone. That is trait three of the Slime Machine. Allege everything, create an image in people's minds, then when discovered, never mention it again. Evil bastards.
Signs of P.R. machine breakdown. It's not a mob of folks, which could present a serious quandry, it's one woman. Interesting, the fact that they chose not to quickly diffuse the issue, to invite her in, even to spew the party line. That's all she's asked for. Once that's done, where's the hype? "I asked the President to tell me why my son died and he was gracious enough to take time to see ME and tell me his feelings on the matter, but I disagree with him." No more story there... and any further action by her becomes tragic, but not taken seriously. Her strategic flaw, if she wishes to make an ongoing spectacle, is that she is asking for too little before she agrees to leave. The woman lost her son, for god's sake. She's just seeking some solace that there is meaning in it all. Shame on you Mr. President. You "care" about those who have sacrificed? This woman certainly has. Grant her three minutes of your precious time, this time unplanned as a P.R. event. You don't need to make a habit of it. We'd understand that's impossible. I think many of us, regardless of political leanings, would like to feel there is some, redeeming decency underlying this administration. Yet we are routinely disappointed.
Wild Bill
Anonymous, at 7:53 AM
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